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Cassidy Jacquelyn Senter
Jun. 9, 1983~Dec. 1, 1993
10 yrs. old

Cassidy Jacquelyn Senter, 10, headed to a friends house, when she was abducted. She was last seen at an intersection where Tall Tree Court became Spring Forest Lane. On Dec. 9, 1993, two persons walking in the city of St. Louis discovered Cassidy Senter’s body in an alley. Cassidy was wrapped in two bed comforters and a pink curtain. Her jacket and sweater were pulled above her chest. Her jeans were pulled down over her ankles, inside out. A sheet was looped around each of her ankles and then tied in the middle to hold the ankles together. There were at least four tears to the scalp and multiple fractures in the skull. There were bruises on Cassidy’s chin, right cheek, right shoulder, breast bone, abdomen, each side of her chest wall, and on the upper back at the base of the neck. She had also been shot five times.

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